Sharing my experience as an Adobe consultant

This is the second part of a 2-part series on consent management. The first part was an introduction to the concept of consent management, where I explained what a Consent Management Platform (CMP) is, some legal implications and introduced Adobe’s solution. In this second part, I will show you how to configure the Adobe Opt In service feature in Adobe Launch.

From being completely ignored to becoming a legal requirement, consent management is now a mandatory part of all website implementations. Until not that long ago, Adobe tools did not have a satisfactory solution. Adobe Analytics, Adobe Target and Adobe Audience Manager had a different way of managing it. However, with the ECID service, you now have a centralised option to manage all tools. This is the first post of a 2-post series, where I will explain how to configure the Adobe Opt-In mechanism.

So you have finally decided to start a project with the AEP Web SDK and Adobe has provisioned it for you. There are now quite a few steps you need to take, so I will go one by one. While you could start in many places, I will start with the edge configuration.

28 Jan 2021


The Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK was introduced some time ago. I do not remember exactly when, but I have not had the time to work with it until very recently. Now that I have finally started to get my hands dirty with it, I will start writing about it. However, before I get into the how, I want to start with the why and the what.

In the last 3 months I have been working on a project where the star is Marketo. It has been a great experience for me, as I have had the opportunity to learn a lot about this tool. So I thought I would share with you my newly acquired knowledge.

03 Jan 2021

A Cookie-less Web

I wanted to start 2021 with a view of the future, probably trying to forget the past. At least, with my personal view on an important point that will affect us all in the digital marketing world soon. Unless you have been hiding in a cave, you already know that there is a death sentence over browser cookies. It all started with Apple’s crusade against 3rd party cookies, but later Google committed to remove these cookies completely by 2022 from its browser. Let me explain what I think will happen.

20 Dec 2020

2020 Retrospective

My colleague Jan Exner has the habit of writing a retrospective in his last post of the year. He is not the only one, has done it from time to time. I have never written any such post, but I think it is a good idea. This is my first attempt. Hope you like it!

Many years ago, my grandmother told me that she did not understand why I received a salary for spending the whole day behind a computer. In comparison, my grandfather had been a captain in cargo ships and a pilot. Although I did not ask her what troubled her, I assumed that, for her, a computer was just another machine and mainly for gaming. To make money, you had to do “something”.

22 Nov 2020

Event serialisation

As I explained in my post on metrics and and dimensions in Adobe Analytics, events (or custom events) are the way to track metrics. In general, you want a metric to increase or decrease depending on the user’s behaviour. However, you may only want it to happen under certain circumstances. More importantly, you do not want to write complex code to manage that.

A year ago I wrote about Declared IDs. I briefly mentioned then an issue that arises with setting these IDs: lazy loading and Adobe Target. However, I know that I did not explain too much about the issue. In this post I will get into more detail.

In my previous post I explained what dimensions and metrics are in general, with a hint of how web analytics have interpreted them. In today’s post, I will address the next step: how Adobe Analytics has implemented these concepts.

When I started working with Adobe Analytics almost 10 years ago, before I joined Adobe, nobody explained me some web analytics basics. People mentioned concepts like dimensions and metrics and, initially, I did not understand them. In this post I will explain how I visualise these concepts, which helped me understand them. It may help you if you are in a similar situation or you see others having trouble grasping them.

27 Sep 2020

Look-alike modelling

In one of my first blog posts I mentioned look-alike modelling in AAM. However, I did not explain this concept in detail back then and I think it is high time I amend this omission. I will also show how to configure it and use its output.

In part 1 of this series, I explained the reason why we need a new tool. To summarise, there was no solution in the market that could be used in digital marketing with a true 360-degree view of the customer. In this post, I will explain the main core components of the Adobe Experience Platform.

If you have been using Adobe Experience Cloud (AEC) tools lately, you will have heard more than a few times the new kid in town, the Adobe Experience Platform (AEP). I first heard about it 3 years ago, when it was just an initial idea. Now it is with us and I am sure many do not yet understand it.

16 Aug 2020


The English expression put (oneself) in (someone’s) shoes has similar versions in many languages around the world. In the case of Spanish, for example, instead of “shoes”, we say “skin”. The older I grow, the more important I find this idiom. Personally, I think that, in order to be successful in life, you need to think about it every time you interact with others. It applies to every aspect of life but, since this blog is about digital marketing, let’s concentrate on this area.

A long time ago I wrote about the Admin Console and I left some topics for a later post. The most important of these topics is related to how you provide different permissions to different users. This is what product profiles and user groups are for.

Server-side Target seems to be a recurring topic. I have written a few times about it. However, I have been guilty of keeping the posts very technical. Lately, I have received more questions about it and I want to clarify some important, non-technical aspects from this type of implementation.

One of the most requested features of DTM was the capability to load it asynchronously. Other tag managers offered this capability for a long time. Finally, Launch included this capability and I will explain below how to enable and use it.

When we talk about the Adobe Exprience Cloud (AEC), we tend to ignore a part of it. Some weeks ago I wrote about the typical AEC solutions, but I skipped on purpose three of them: Advertising Cloud, Magento and Marketo. If you were waiting to hear about them, here you have the details of the smaller siblings of the AEC.