Sharing my experience as an Adobe consultant

During the EMEA Summit 2019, one Adobe customer asked me about one detail of the Marketing Channels configuration. The conversation we then had around this question, reminded me of the confusions some managers tend to have about attribution. Let me clarify a few things about this topic.

In a recent project I worked on, the client set a team up to analyse the site speed of the website. This resulted in some clashes between them and the Adobe team. Both sides had their own arguments and it was difficult to progress. Today I want to give you my point of view and tips of what you can do if you find yourself in the same situation.

In a client-side implementation, the JavaScript code takes care of Analytics for Target (A4T), so you do not have to do anything. However and as usual, in any server-side or hybrid implementation of Analytics and Target, A4T requires some additional care.

14 Jul 2019

Hybrid Analytics

The last tool I showed in my Summit lab was Adobe Analytics. Initially, I was not sure whether I should write about it. However, I have come up with some ideas to share and here you have the final post on this lab.

With the Adobe Target server-side code code already step up, as I explained in part 1, we are now ready to move to the Adobe Target interface and configure it. I will show how to do it with an Experience Targeting activity, but it should work as well with an A/B test.

The next step after you have a hybrid ECID implementation is to do the same with Target. I already wrote a post on how to create a pure Adobe Target server-side implementation. Now I will explain how to create a hybrid implementation. This post will show the code and the next one, the Target configuration.

02 Jun 2019

Hybrid ECID

As I explained in my EMEA Summit lab, you should not use the ECID server-side if you are in a web environment. The solution I proposed was to use a hybrid approach. This means that the ECID must still be generated client-side, and then used server-side.

Last Thursday (16/05/2019) I delivered my very first lab at an Adobe Summit. I would like to thank all of you who attended. It went really well and many participants managed to do the full exercise. I have received many requests to publish the content or explain more. There is so much to explain, that I will write multiple posts in the coming weeks, to cover all aspects. Use the comments if you need more clarifications.

I will be conducting a lab at the Adobe EMEA Summit. I will show how to implement Server-side Digital Marketing on Thursday at 14:00. If you want to know more about it, please join me! If you are at Summit, but cannot attend my lab, I will be at the Adobe stand most of the time. See you there!

When, a few months time ago, I started writing the series of blog posts on Server-side digital marketing, I did not initially know what to expect. If the number of comments per post is a valid survey method, then I can now say that this series has been the most popular in my blog so far. I have even received internal requests from colleagues about this topic after reading one of these posts.

As I have said a few times, it is very easy to measure page views. I have also explained how to measure visitors. There is, though, another typical question to answer: how many times has a visitor visited our website? Seems like a simple question, right? Well, it turns out, measuring visits is not that simple.

Welcome back to another basic post about the Adobe Experience Cloud. One of the main pillars of any web analytics tool is the visitor identification. It is not only used for the visitors metric, but also as the basis of multiple other features in tools like Target and Audience Manager.

After a few weeks delay, I am resuming the multi-tenancy in the Adobe Experience Cloud series of posts. I had an issue with my internal sandbox, which prevented me from showing how to set up multi-tenancy in Adobe Target. I got it fixed this week and I am ready to show it to you. Let’s start!

06 Jan 2019

DSP isolation

I once encountered a concerning situation with an agency, which required immediate action. If you are using agencies for your display advertising campaigns and you have recently acquired a license for AAM, then this post is for you.

This is the second part of the User-Agent mini series. I split the topic into 2 posts, as it was getting too long. If you have not read the first part, I recommend you start with it. I will now explain how Adobe uses the User-Agent HTTP parameter in the different tools.

The User-Agent parameter is a piece of information that all browsers attach to all HTTP(S) requests they make. In today’s post, I will demystify this HTTP parameter and explain how it works. There will be a second part, where I will explain how this parameter is used in Adobe products.

I tend to write about new features of Adobe tools or “cool” ways of using it. That does not mean that I have forgotten about good old features and this is what I am going to do today, explain one of the basic tools of Adobe Analytics: Data Warehouse.

In the last few months, I have been writing about how to manage users in the Adobe Experience Cloud (AEC). However, I have noticed that there are two concepts that people do not understand well: authentication and authorisation. I should have known better, as I did not know the difference well enough until not long ago. My purpose today is to clarify these two concepts in the scope of the AEC.

28 Oct 2018

Adobe Target Segments

Adobe Target segments are probably the richest among the SaaS tools of the Adobe Experience Cloud. Target itself has segmentation capabilities, but it can also use segments coming from multiple other sources. Here you will see how to use all of them.

Now that I have clarified the data sources in Audience Manager, I can explain how to manage multi-tenancy in Audience Manager. If you have not read that post, please do so before proceeding with this one. But if you have, let’s get started!