Sharing my experience as an Adobe consultant

Articles by category: Opinion

This post is going to be very different from those I usually write. Instead of talking about Adobe technology or related topics, today I want to explain how I became an architect in the Adobe consulting organisation. This came as a suggestion from a colleague, in case others would like to follow the same path.

27 Jun 2021

Long Live the Cookies

At beginning of this year, I wrote a blog post on a cookie-less web. In it, I explained where did this witch hunt against the cookies come from and what would the (expected) next chapter in this drama be. However, a recent plot twist has sent ripples, which have been felt in every corner of the Internet.

03 May 2021

New Blog Design

As I said at the very bottom of my 2020 Retrospective post, one of my personal projects for 2021 was to migrate this blog from Wordpress to Jekyll. I am not sure there was a clear goal, I just thought it would be fun. With all the time that I have spent at home during this long British winter in lockdown, it has been a distraction that has kept my mind busy. Finally, after so long and so much time invested, here it is. I hope you like it!

11 Apr 2021

Reporting vs Analysis

When people talk or think about Adobe Analytics, the first idea that comes to their minds tends to be “reporting”. In fact, this idea applies to any visualisation tool. However, this is only half of the story. Many forget that these tools actually have another, very important, capability: data analysis.

In the last 3 months I have been working on a project where the star is Marketo. It has been a great experience for me, as I have had the opportunity to learn a lot about this tool. So I thought I would share with you my newly acquired knowledge.

03 Jan 2021

A Cookie-less Web

I wanted to start 2021 with a view of the future, probably trying to forget the past. At least, with my personal view on an important point that will affect us all in the digital marketing world soon. Unless you have been hiding in a cave, you already know that there is a death sentence over browser cookies. It all started with Apple’s crusade against 3rd party cookies, but later Google committed to remove these cookies completely by 2022 from its browser. Let me explain what I think will happen.

20 Dec 2020

2020 Retrospective

My colleague Jan Exner has the habit of writing a retrospective in his last post of the year. He is not the only one, has done it from time to time. I have never written any such post, but I think it is a good idea. This is my first attempt. Hope you like it!

Many years ago, my grandmother told me that she did not understand why I received a salary for spending the whole day behind a computer. In comparison, my grandfather had been a captain in cargo ships and a pilot. Although I did not ask her what troubled her, I assumed that, for her, a computer was just another machine and mainly for gaming. To make money, you had to do “something”.

16 Aug 2020


The English expression put (oneself) in (someone’s) shoes has similar versions in many languages around the world. In the case of Spanish, for example, instead of “shoes”, we say “skin”. The older I grow, the more important I find this idiom. Personally, I think that, in order to be successful in life, you need to think about it every time you interact with others. It applies to every aspect of life but, since this blog is about digital marketing, let’s concentrate on this area.

When we talk about the Adobe Exprience Cloud (AEC), we tend to ignore a part of it. Some weeks ago I wrote about the typical AEC solutions, but I skipped on purpose three of them: Advertising Cloud, Magento and Marketo. If you were waiting to hear about them, here you have the details of the smaller siblings of the AEC.

31 May 2020

GDPR - 2 years on

Two years ago, on 25/05/2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) started to be applicable in the EU. Although this regulation entered into force 2 year earlier, in 2016, it caught many companies by surprise. Initially, there was panic around it. Some even thought that it would send ripples all along the Internet, which would change forever. Has this really happened?

A few years ago I wrote a post on business vs technology. Since in our world, 3 years is a very long time and now I have more experience on the matter, I decided to write about it again. It is not just an extension of the previous post, but a new angle to it. You probably have guessed that I am a bit (or more than a bit) tired of this confrontation.

Today I want to give an overview of the Adobe Experience Cloud. Now that I think about it, I should have done it a long time ago. I just got into the habit of explaining how to solve individual problems, that I never actually thought about the bigger picture. So, if you are familiar with the whole Adobe Experience Cloud or are looking for specific solutions to certain issues, you better skip this post. On the other hand, if you came here trying to understand what the Adobe suite of tools is about, this is for you.

I know that this is a moniker that has become very popular lately. You probably have heard it from Shantanu Narayen, but he is not the only one. Initially, I did not pay enough attention to this expression. But I guess something has clicked in my brain and I am finally processing it.

I am sure you have heard the saying May you live in interesting times. Well, in case you wanted to know how these “interesting times” look like, we are now all living one of those. If you have been following my blog, it is not about medicine, so I will not give you any advice on health. I am more interested in how this crisis will affect those of us living in the digital marketing world. My intention with this post is to be some sort of forum, where we can all share our ideas. I will start with my view and I would like to read yours.

08 Mar 2020

Data-driven marketing

In the past, in order to be a good marketer, it was expected that you had sixth sense. There was no obvious reason to predict who would rise to the Olympus of marketing. Now, with data driven marketing, we have moved from an art to a science.

Many years ago I read a story about the resignation of Google’s lead designer. He wrote a bitter post, where he explained why he did it. I recommend that you read it before you proceed with my post. Initially, it was just an curious story for me, but now I see profound implications.

03 Nov 2019

Breaking silos

Today I am going to diverge from the typical, more technically-oriented posts I have written in the last few months. Most of the companies I have worked with in the last 5+ years had the same issue: different Adobe tools where used by different and disconnected teams. Although this seems like an obvious issue, I wanted to put it in writing.

During the EMEA Summit 2019, one Adobe customer asked me about one detail of the Marketing Channels configuration. The conversation we then had around this question, reminded me of the confusions some managers tend to have about attribution. Let me clarify a few things about this topic.

In a recent project I worked on, the client set a team up to analyse the site speed of the website. This resulted in some clashes between them and the Adobe team. Both sides had their own arguments and it was difficult to progress. Today I want to give you my point of view and tips of what you can do if you find yourself in the same situation.